August 29, 2018

2018 Pre-Season CKL Team Rankings

Nerding around the internet as I tend to do, I found a nifty little team/draft grader that provides some sort of generic ranking of the teams heading into the 2018 NFL season. This is not my opinon, but rather the opinion of some anonymous Reddit dweeb. Enjoy!

And let's take a look at the team's individually. I think this report ranks positions groups (including benches) and then adds up the rankings, such that the lower your total number the better. Hence, Ben at the top with 44.5 ranking points, and Heath at the bottom with 80.5

  1. Ben - Gurley Men
  2. Kendall - Pink Nightmare
  3. Norris - Blackpool Pengiuns
  4. Rookie - Nth Degree
  5. Paul - Smack My Porsche
  6. Ryan - D2F Ratio
  7. Joe - Womp Wampas
  8. Corey - L7 Half-Orc Sorcerers
  9. Nathan - The Architect
  10. Kirk - Sexy Badasses
  11. Chad - OO Daddy
  12. Russ - The Magic Stick
  13. Yado - The Revolting Arabs
  14. Heath - GleepGlop's Hypotenoids

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